Here's a shortcut to publications, reports and other documents.

I am currently a Sr Technical Director at Symantec Research Labs. My research interests include all kinds of systems problems related to operating systems, security, data storage, information flow control and any other interesting systems challenge.

As a PhD student at the Computer Science department of UCLA, I worked with prof. Eddie Kohler and a few other cool people on the design and implementation of the Asbestos operating system. The goal of Asbestos is to reason about the behavior and security of applications without understanding the applications themselves. Hopefully more info on Asbestos will soon be posted here. For more information please visit the Asbestos homepage and read the Asbestos papers. In October of 2008 I became Dr Efstathopoulos after succesfully defending my my PhD dissertation on "Policy Management and Decentralized Debugging in the Asbestos Operating System".

During my studies at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the NTUA, I worked at the Computing Systems Laboratory. At first I worked as a webmaster and later on as a systems/network administrator. As a member of CSLab I also worked for various EU research projects (such as ARTEMIS digital library and others).

During my studies at the NTUA I TAed classes like "Operating Systems Lab".
At UCLA I TAed CS111 ("Operating System Principles") for six quarters (two years).

My diploma thesis involved a lot of Linux kernel programming (or hacking if you prefer...!:). Ever since then I often have some kernel project laying around and making my life difficult from time to time.

For the past 8 years I enjoy spending time on web development. I have built various web sites both for personal and professional reasons. Data base driven sites, php stuff and fancy graphics have always been a very fun aspect of my working as a freelance web developer...!


$HOME # finger pefstath this section contains projects known to the State of California to cause serious trouble to grad students mostly silly contact info